Y is for Yearning

by Lillian Csernica on April 29, 2016




There you have it.  During all the trips I’ve taken, in the midst of all the traveling I’ve done, there’s been a part of me that was waiting, watching, and hoping.  I’ve been on the lookout for that signal, that flare of recognition that would tell me I had finally found the trail that would lead me to my true home.

U2 said it best.

And so I keep traveling.


Filed under artists, Blog challenges, charity, classics, Conventions, creativity, Depression, dreams, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, fairy tales, Family, fantasy, Fiction, Food, frustration, Goals, historical fiction, history, Lillian Csernica, love, memoirs, nature, perspective, research, romance, Self-image, therapy, travel, Writing

3 responses to “Y is for Yearning

  1. I’m still searching too, but I have run across a couple of places that something in me recognized. Not from the future. Places from the past. One of them is a pile of rocks that was once the family stronghold, built on the shores of Loch Fyne in Scotland. What part of me is it that remembers that place, and yet doesn’t call it home?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, I actually think I’ve found it, years ago. But I also have to say, that while finding my home abroad, I rediscovered home at home. There’s a special felling in being home, and a still more special one when you feel it in the place you were born. Sometimes you have to travel and be away to understand that feeling.

    I’m grateful it happened to me. I found my home away from home and my home at home. And it’s a beautiful feeling 🙂


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